Deploy Mayastor

This website/page will be End-of-life (EOL) after 31 August 2024. We recommend you to visit OpenEBS Documentation for the latest Mayastor documentation (v2.6 and above).

Mayastor is now also referred to as OpenEBS Replicated PV Mayastor.


Before deploying and using Mayastor please consult the Known Issues section of this guide.

In this Quickstart guide we demonstrate deploying Mayastor by using the Kubernetes manifest files provided within the project's repositories (control plane components, data plane components). These repositories are configured for the GitFlow release model, wherein the master branch contains official releases. By extension, the head of the master branch represents the latest official release. Previous releases are identifiable by their annotated git tags.

The steps and commands which follow are intended only for use with, and have only be tested against, the latest release for version 1.x. Earlier releases or development versions may require a modified or different installation process and will require that the manifest files appropriate to that specific release are used. These are available in the repositories named above - use the files from the tagged commit appropriate to the release you wish to deploy.

Create Mayastor Application Resources


kubectl create namespace mayastor

RBAC Resources

kubectl apply -f

Custom Resource Definitions

kubectl apply -f

Deploy Mayastor Dependencies


Mayastor uses NATS, an Open Source messaging system, as an event bus for some aspects of control plane operations.

kubectl apply -f

Verify that the deployment of the NATS application to the cluster was successful. Within the mayastor namespace ensure that there are 3 replicas with the name "nats-x", and with a reported status of "Running".

kubectl -n mayastor get pods --selector=app=nats


Mayastor uses etcd, a distributed, reliable key-value store, to persist configuration. The steps described below deploy a dedicated, clustered etcd instance for Mayastor's own use. This is the only configuration supported by this release.

To deploy the PersistentVolumes that will be used by the etcd in the next step, execute:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f 
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Verify that the deployment of etcd to the cluster was successful. Within the mayastor namespace there should be 3 replicas with a name of the form "mayastor-etcd-" and with a reported status of "Running".

kubectl -n mayastor get pods

Deploy Mayastor Components

CSI Node Plugin

kubectl apply -f

Verify that the CSI Node Plugin DaemonSet has been correctly deployed to all worker nodes in the cluster.

kubectl -n mayastor get daemonset mayastor-csi

Control Plane

Core Agents

kubectl apply -f

Verify that the core agent pod is running.

kubectl get pods -n mayastor --selector=app=core-agents


kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Verify that the REST pod is running.

kubectl get pods -n mayastor --selector=app=rest

CSI Controller

kubectl apply -f

Verify that the CSI-controller pod is running.

kubectl get pods -n mayastor --selector=app=csi-controller

MSP Operator

kubectl apply -f

Verify that the pool operator pod is running.

kubectl get pods -n mayastor --selector=app=msp-operator

Data Plane

kubectl apply -f

Verify that the Mayastor DaemonSet has been correctly deployed. The reported Desired, Ready and Available instance counts should be equal, and should match the count of worker nodes which carry the label (as performed earlier in the "Preparing the Cluster" stage).

kubectl -n mayastor get daemonset mayastor

The number and status of mayastor pods can be observed by using the Mayastor kubectl plugin. Check that the expected number of nodes are reporting their State as online

kubectl mayastor get nodes

Last updated