
Pool metrics exporter

The Mayastor pool metrics exporter runs as a sidecar container within every io-engine pod and exposes pool usage metrics in Prometheus format. These metrics are exposed on port 9502 using an HTTP endpoint /metrics and are refreshed every five minutes.

Supported pool metrics

# HELP disk_pool_status disk-pool status
# TYPE disk_pool_status gauge
disk_pool_status{node="worker-0",name="mayastor-disk-pool"} 1
# HELP disk_pool_total_size_bytes total size of the disk-pool in bytes
# TYPE disk_pool_total_size_bytes gauge
disk_pool_total_size_bytes{node="worker-0",name="mayastor-disk-pool"} 5.360320512e+09
# HELP disk_pool_used_size_bytes used disk-pool size in bytes
# TYPE disk_pool_used_size_bytes gauge
disk_pool_used_size_bytes{node="worker-0",name="mayastor-disk-pool"} 2.147483648e+09
# HELP disk_pool_committed_size_bytes Committed size of the pool in bytes
# TYPE disk_pool_committed_size_bytes gauge
disk_pool_committed_size_bytes{node="worker-0", name="mayastor-disk-pool"} 9663676416

Stats exporter metrics

When eventing is activated, the stats exporter operates within the obs-callhome-stats container, located in the callhome pod. The statistics are made accessible through an HTTP endpoint at port 9090, specifically using the /stats route.

Supported stats metrics

Integrating exporter with Prometheus monitoring stack

  1. To install, add the Prometheus-stack helm chart and update the repo.

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update

Then, install the Prometheus monitoring stack and set prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues to false. This enables Prometheus to discover custom ServiceMonitor for Mayastor.

helm install mayastor prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n mayastor --set prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false
  1. Next, install the ServiceMonitor resource to select services and specify their underlying endpoint objects.

kind: ServiceMonitor
  name: mayastor-monitoring
    app: mayastor
      app: mayastor
  - port: metrics

Upon successful integration of the exporter with the Prometheus stack, the metrics will be available on the port 9090 and HTTP endpoint /metrics.

CSI metrics exporter

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Last updated